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Read insights on music investing, industry, creativity, and more!
5 Tips To Stay Focused On Music
Do you constantly have new and creative ideas? Of course you do! As a creative person your mind is always being filled with new...
Does Making Money From Music Make You A Bad Person?
Generally speaking people who are interested in making music are not doing it for the money. If you fall into this trap then you probably...
10 Tips To Set Up A Home Studio
The way you set up your home studio can have a big impact on your music. It is important from an acoustic perspective where you place...
Do You Have To Move To Become Successful In Music?
Changing locations can have its benefits on your music career. On the other hand, technology has made it easier than ever to connect to...
Top 10 Expenses For Your Music Career (#8 Will Surprise You)
A lot of new costs can occur throughout your music career. At the beginning you were making it work with the bare minimum doing whatever...
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