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Read insights on music investing, industry, creativity, and more!
The Secret Publishing Companies Keep To Themselves
If you are a musician that has songs on Spotify, SoundCloud, and Apple Music, the chances you are registered with a distributor such as...
What's The Difference Between A Record Label And A Publisher?
Knowing the difference between labels and publishers can be the difference in your financial career as a musician. Big record labels will...
2 Major Ways You Are Losing Out On Money That Is Yours
Streaming sites are a great way for your fans to listen to your latest songs, but also a way for you to monetize your music. In many...
The Only Guide You'll Ever Need On Royalties & Record Labels
When it comes to being apart of a record label, royalties are simpler than you might think. Depending on where you stand the split of...
The 2 Ways Spotify Royalties Actually Work
Spotify is one of the most popular streaming sites in the world. You are able to make money from digital royalties through Spotify at a...
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